The City Magazine Since 1975

Magnolia Cemetery

July 2017
The image was taken by Morton Brailsford Paine, a local photographer during the ’30s and ’40s, and the young girl...

August 2016
On the night of February 17, 1864, the Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley slipped out of Breach Inlet and headed for...

January 2015
40 Ideas to Better Yourself—and Your City—in 2015

September 2014

February 2014

February 2014

October 2013
On the banks of the Cooper River lies Magnolia Cemetery, or the Garden of the Dead, where ancient oaks drip moss over...

October 2013
Get in the spirit of All Hallow's Eve and head out to some of the Lowcountry's spookiest spots. Supernatural...

January 2013
Things Every Local Must Experience Whether your bloodline dates back generations or you just moved to town, check out...

October 2012
From a kid-friendly myrtle maze to a fright-tastic haunted house, here are our picks for Halloween happenings around...

August 2010
Living in Charleston, we often take history for granted—as if every city has cobblestone streets and a park where...

July 2010
Dusting off some Charleston favorites

February 2010
Read the romantic sagas of three legendary local couples— the Dawsons, the Heywards, and the Warings— whose shared...

July 2009
Need a reprieve from the urban swelter? We've compiled some great local spots for beating the heat