The Party: This month, The Halsey Institute debuts its latest exhibit, “The Image Hunter: On the Trail of John James Audubon,” featuring work by Italian artist Hitnes. Inspired by Audubon, Hitnes traveled across North America in three months in naturalist’s footsteps, an endeavor that resulted in the creation of public murals, video footage, and a collection of materials from all corners of the country. The Center for Birds of Prey joined guests at this special viewing for Charleston Magazine Club members, along with by one of their resident owls. The winged party guest brought the artwork to life as attendees grazed hors d’oeuvres and libations while mingling and taking in the exhibition. “The Image Hunter” features a multimedia commentary on the relationship between humans, birds, and the environment, and Halsey curator Bryan Granger expanded on Hitnes’s message in a brief lecture.
Highlight: Fittingly, Owl’s Brew Radler provided their unique drinks (a fresh-brewed organic tea and craft beer mix) for the event.
Overheard: “Birds are a vital connection between us and the environment.”
Beneficiary: Charleston Magazine Club, The Avian Conservation Center, The Center for Birds of Prey, and The Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art