The City Magazine Since 1975


June 2010
It’s off the grid and on the dock for two families at their rustic island getaway

May 2010
Bolstered by reinvigorated venues, a surge of artists and creative entrepreneurs, and a strengthening reputation as a...

May 2010
Give a hand for polishes in the season’s hottest hues

May 2010
A hands-on helper digs in with Charleston Parks Conservancy to brighten the city’s green spaces

April 2010
Airy Hall’s Kendrick Mayes finds art in articulated skeletons

April 2010
Artistic gardeners discover Zen and the art of backyard maintenance

March 2010

February 2010
Street Foods’ mobile kitchen travels all over town to serve up authentic international fare

February 2010
As the nation’s first archaeologist, Lowcountry native John Izard Middleton made history even as he was recording it

The indoctrination of a Lowcountry voluptuary

A unique perspective on the Lowcountry’s rural character

January 2010
Finding wonder and welcome in Charleston’s hidden alleys

The protocol and improvisation of being Charleston

January 2010
Heady, sweet memories plucked from the vine

January 2010
The indoctrination of a Lowcountry voluptuary

January 2010
A unique perspective on the Lowcountry’s rural character

January 2010
Finding wonder and welcome in Charleston’s hidden alleys

January 2010
The protocol and improvisation of being Charleston

November 2009
The local independent film industry shoots for the stars

October 2009
A young family fills an historic Society Street single with simple, pared-down furnishings

October 2009
Climb, crawl, slide, scurry, and scoot your way across the area’s numerous parks and playgrounds

October 2009
Painter Honor Marks praises the earth with intricate nature studies

September 2009
With a penchant for the past, this local real estate agent shares the items—and intangibles—that have made the cut in...

September 2009

September 2009
In the growing pantheon of neo-Southern chick lit, there emerge numerous images that, bless their hearts, are well-worn...

September 2009
Unmatched views and opulent French furnishings take urban living to new heights

September 2009
Mikhail Smolkin creates precious jewelry in old-world style

September 2009
Natural Defense The Coastal Conservation League celebrates its first 20 years

May 2009
This professional hair and make-up artist styles a life from things that make her happy

September 2006
Callie’s Charleston Biscuits: Taking the “bread of the South” to a whole new level